Section 1- Requirements for Funding

Applicants for CoC funding can expect to answer questions around the following topics in the local competition process:

  • registration noting the ability to receive federal funding​

  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI, previously known as DUNS)​

  • Must have a physical presence in the IA BoS CoC (96 counties in Iowa excluding Polk, Pottawattamie, and Woodbury)​. Physical presence can include office locations or shared space with a community partner where participants are aware of your staff being available for support & services.​

  • Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)​- Projects must collect specific information on the persons served and services provided during the grant period and enter this information into HMIS. Victim service providers are prohibited from participation in HMIS but must demonstrate that they have a database comparable to an HMIS. (DVIMS- Domestic Violence Information Management System)​

  • Organization must utilize Housing First & Low Barrier practices.

  • Coordinated Entry​-  Projects will participate in the local Coordinated Entry process, including only accepting referrals through the local prioritization by name list. ​

  • CoC Board Meetings​- 70% attendance​

  • Task Groups/Workgroups​- Staff involvement in at least one group, and following group commitments​

  • Annual Meeting​- Staff in attendance.

  • Point In Time (PIT) Count- Project and Regional participation​, Submission of PIT information by due date​.

  • Organizational work on Equity & Diversity​ ranging from training their staff to services for participants.

  • Experience effectively addressing homelessness​

  • Success with a project or program similar to that you would apply for​

  • Effectiveness in utilizing federal funds and performing proposed activities​

  • Experience in leveraging federal, state, local, and private sector funds.​

  • Noting if previous CoC funding was not renewed.​

  • Providing an update on CoC-Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)​, if applicable

  • Organization management structure to support the project, including subcontractors​

  • Providing the most recent audit​

  • Agency’s financial staffing and capacity. ​

  • The NEED for the project. ​

  • How participants will be assisting in obtaining and maintaining permanent housing. ​

  • Coordination with mainstream resources. ​

  • Ability to provide supportive services (transportation, ensuring mainstream benefits are received and renewed, annual interim reviews, access to SSI/SSDI)​

  • Performance Measures​ - New Projects must note how they will meet targets. ​Renewal Projects will be scored on meeting targeted outcomes. ​

  • Budget​ - Carefully set up a budget​. It is important to keep in mind staff time/capacity in regard to supportive services. ​ In building your budget, be cognizant of the staff’s time/capacity to provide services. ​25% Match​ & 10% Admin Costs​.

Section 2- Restrictions

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)- Grant funds for the following costs in a single structure or housing unit cannot be combined:​

  • Leasing & acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction​

  • Tenant-based rental assistance and acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction​

  • Short- or medium-term rental assistance and acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction​

  • Rental assistance and leasing​

  • Rental assistance and operating​

Joint Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing (Joint TH-RRH) - HUD will limit eligible costs as follows:​

  • Leasing of a structure or units, and operating costs to provide TH; ​

  • Short- or medium-term tenant-based rental assistance on behalf of program participants in the RRH portion of the project;​

  • Supportive services for the entire project;​

  • HMIS; &​

  • Project administrative costs.​

Section 3 - Requirements of a Funded Project

CoC Projects will need access to:

  • eLOCCS- for access to request reimbursement of CoC funding.

  • E-snaps- for access to your application submission to HUD.

  • SAGE- for access to submit Annual Performance Report (APR).

  • Wellsky (HMIS) or comparable DVIMS system.

CoC projects will provide reports through:

  • Data Quality Plan (DQP) Reports- which are submitted quarterly to the CoC.

  • SAGE- to complete the APR which is submitted directly to HUD.

  • Wellsky (HMIS) or comparable DVIMS system- to run reports to monitor data quality and reports for competition processes (CoC & Emergency Solutions Grant-ESG).

Section 4 - Learning Management System (LMS)

The CoC Grant Competition Task Group partnered with staff from the Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) to create a training course on the Learning Management System (LMS) focused on expectations of CoC funded projects, called CoC 101 Training. If you are a current Wellsky system user, you can click here to enroll for the training.

If you are not currently a user, please contact to get set up within the Wellsky system.