
The IA BoS CoC encourages and supports advocacy by uplifting those experiencing homelessness.

Table of Contents

LearnDataTake ActionDay on the Hill


Use the links below to stay up to date and learn about different ways you can advocate for those experiencing homelessness.


Use the links below to read articles and data about how homelessness is affecting people experiencing homelessness.

“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I am somebody.” – Lily Tomlin

Take Action

Use the links below to contact your members of Congress and encourage them to take action for homelessness today.

Day on the Hill

Day on the Hill is an opportune time to meet with your legislators and their staff to advocate to prevent and end homelessness in person. Day on the Hill for 2024 is planned for February 21, 2024 from 10am-12pm. To register to attend, please click here.

Below we provided some resources to assist in your advocacy efforts as you connect with your legislators virtually or in person. To find out who your legislator is, use Find your legislator.

  • Institute for Community Alliances 2023 Annual Report

  • Homeless Information specific to House Districts

  • Homeless Information specific to Senate Districts

  • Informational Flyer provided by Homeward regarding Eviction Expungement

  • Homelessness In Iowa Flyer

  • Facts About the Eviction Crisis in Iowa

  • Fact Sheet: The Top Five Ways Criminalization of Homelessness Harms Communities

  • Talking points for specific areas are listed below:

    • Eviction Expungement

      • Eviction expungement is a process that allows eviction filings to be removed from a person’s public record.

      • There isn’t current a process in the state of Iowa, even if there was an error or a person is innocent.

      • Eviction expungement is simply good government.

      • Over half of the eviction filings are dismissed before they go to court.

      • In a matter of fairness, a housing foreclosure comes off a person’s public record after 7 years so why isn’t it the same for eviction filings?

      • In 2023, Iowa had 21,932, which is a 16% increase over the 2022 record high of 18,330.

      • Renters burdened by unaffordable housing costs may be at a higher risk of dying sooner, according to a new study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine. -

    • Reasons for Homelessness

      • The leading cause of homelessness is the lack of affordable housing.

      • Measures such has the high costs of rent and rental vacancy rates below 5% are better predictors of homelessness than other factors such as poverty or mental health.

    • Supports for People

      • People drive our economy.  To have a healthy economy, we need healthy people.

    • More Funds Needed in Iowa

      • The State of Iowa puts 5% of the real estate transfer taxes into the shelter assistance fund, which equated to $1.3 Million this year.

      • This amount is for the entire state and has been the same since 1997.

      • Shelter assistance funds apply to crisis response services.

      • Funds are needed to prevent homelessness as well as for supportive services and permanent housing.

      • Funds are needed to support Iowa citizens who are homeless until more affordable housing is built.

      • Homeless service providers are working hard with a limited resource. We simply don’t have enough resources to meet the state’s needs.

      • We know we can be successful when we have the appropriate level and types of funds available.  Ex. Veteran’s homelessness.