In an effort to best support the agencies doing such critical work during this time, we have done our best to consolidate resources from HUD, national, and community agencies on this page. By no means is this an exhaustive list and staff will be updating it as more information is available.
State & Federal Resources
Stay up to date by using the linked resources below:
2-1-1 Information & Referral System
Free, comprehensive information and referral system linking Iowa residents to health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and governmental programs.
24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
The Administration for Children & Families (ACF), a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), promotes the economic and social well-being of families, children, youth, individuals and communities with funding, strategic partnerships, guidance, training and technical assistance.
Affordable Health Insurance for at-risk youth
This guide explains your affordable health insurance options in Iowa in detail.
Bankrate Guide for Section 8 Housing
Guide regarding Section 8 Housing (Housing Choice Voucher Program)
Channel Kindness: A Project of The Born This Way Foundation
A safe space for young people to tell their stories of kindness, resilience, and community.
Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)
Works to advance affordable housing aligned with services as an approach to help people thrive.
Local emergency management agencies are the backbone of the state’s emergency management system. They provide coordination of local resources to ensure the emergency management and response communities have adequately planned, and are well-equipped, trained, and exercised.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Making sure America is equipped to prepare for and respond to disasters.
Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV)
Supports a statewide network of 22 survivor programs, connects survivors with the assistance they need, and advocates for policy and community transformation to make Iowa a safer place for everyone.
Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault (IowaCASA)
Mission is to end sexual violence and improve support available to survivors of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault.
Iowa Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
Iowa HHS provides high quality programs & services that protect & improve the health & resiliency of individuals, families, & communities.
Iowa Department of Veteran Affairs (IDVA)
Provides Veteran Services through Veterans Benefits Office, Veterans Home, & Veterans Cemetery.
Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HSEMD)
Assists local emergency management in a variety of emergency situations
Iowa Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (IA VOAD)
A Community Organization Active in Disaster (COAD) is a community organization, based within a community or geographic area, made up of representatives from public, private, volunteer, and nonprofit agencies and organizations who may be active in all phases of a disaster: mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Iowa Workforce Development (IWD)
Serving all Iowans and building a better workforce for the future.
Free & confidential services - provides vital peer support, community connections, and resource information through helplines and online chatrooms. Our services focus on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression.
Free & confidential services - provides vital peer support, community connections, and resource information through helplines and online chatrooms. Our services focus on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression.
Helps youth and adults with coming-out issues, safer-sex information, school bullying, family concerns, relationship problems, and a lot more.
National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH)
A nonpartisan organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States.
National Association of the Advancement for Colored People (NAACP)
Grassroots activism for civil rights and social justice.
National Health Care for the Homeless Council (HCH)
Work to improve homeless health care through training and technical assistance, researching and sharing best practices, advocating for real solutions to end homelessness, and uplifting voices of people experiencing homelessness.
National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
Dedicated to achieving racially and socially equitable public policy that ensures people with the lowest incomes have quality homes that are accessible and affordable in communities of their choice.
National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)
Provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse.
Advances, empowers, and improves the lives of LGBTQ Iowans statewide.
Social Security Administration- Get Started to Apply for SSI
Administers retirement, disability, survivor, and family benefits, and enroll individuals in Medicare. Also provides Social Security Numbers.
Leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ young people. We provide information & support to LGBTQ young people 24/7, all year round.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.
United States Department of Labor (DOL)
Administers federal labor laws to guarantee workers' rights to fair, safe, and healthy working conditions.
United States Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)
Provide care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.
United States Inter-Agency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
Coordinates the federal response to homelessness and to create a national partnership at every level of government and with the private sector to reduce and end homelessness in the nation while maximizing the effectiveness of the federal government in contributing to the end of homelessness.
HUD Office Hours & SNAPS Resources
HUD Office Hours - held on the first Thursday of every month at 1:30 pm (CST)
Check the links below for updated resources from HUD SNAPS:
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” – Howard Zinn
IA Balance of State CoC
Connect with the CoC by attending meetings:
CoC Networking Forum: Click here for the CoC Networking Forums, where providers are connected and network. Meetings are held throughout the year via GoToMeeting or by calling in.
IA BoS CoC Board Meetings: Click here for the monthly Board Meetings to stay up to date on what is happening in the CoC. Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. (cst) via GoToMeeting or by calling in.
Iowa Housing Coalition: Throughout 2024, several providers across the state came together to form the Iowa Homeless Coalition. This coalition of providers across the state is committed to addressing homelessness and housing issues. Our mission includes:
Advocating for housing and homelessness policy at the state level.
Raising public awareness about homelessness and housing instability.
Enhancing communication among housing and homeless service providers.
Offering relevant training for member agencies.
To advance these goals, IHC plans to retain a government services provider from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, with the potential for renewal. This provider will assist with legislative strategy, communications, and targeted lobbying efforts. If you would like to learn more about how your agency can join the Iowa Homeless Coalition, please contact Courtney Guntly.
General COVID Resources
Stay up to do on COVID-19 resources by using the links below:
See examples and information from other states on their response to COVID-19.
CoC Guides & Toolkits to engage Community Partners
Utilize the Guides & Toolkits listed below to engage with your community partners and systems of care:
Public Housing Authorities (PHAs): The guide provides a walkthrough of preparation work leading up to the meeting with the Public Housing Authority, and how to utilize the toolkit effectively.
Education System:
Correctional System: Coming Soon.
Workforce System: Coming Soon.