*Please know that we are currently working on updating this page, if you have any questions, please contact CoC staff.

Youth Homeless System Improvement (YHSI)

Creating a more seamless and coordinated system of care for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Table of Contents



YHSI funds were awarded to focus on systemic change by funding projects that create and build capacity for Youth Action Boards; collect and use data on at-risk youth and youth experiencing homelessness; develop strong leaders within a community; and improve the coordination, communication, operation, and administration of homeless assistance projects to better serve youth, including prevention and diversion strategies.  these grants are designed to make and improve connections, coordination, and information sharing within and between systems that serve at-risk youth, including education, child welfare, and juvenile justice. To read the submitted YSHI Application, please click here.


As part of the YHSI process, milestones/goals were created to focus the work. Milestones/Goals include:

  • Youth leadership development;

  • Building out additional locations for Youth Action Boards (YAB) across the CoC;

  • Collaborating with the Department of Health & Human Services and Department of Education to create discharge/transition process and toolkits; and

  • Training for youth serving professional in the community with attention to trauma-informed care and postive youth development (PYD).

To see more detail, click here to access the milestones/goals chart.

“If we truly want to end youth homelessness then we have to invest in prevention and support communities as they work to implement these life-changing efforts.”

-Cyndi Lauper


For any Youth Action Board related questions, please contact Jason Smith, Youth Leadership Project Manager.

For questions regarding community partnerships and connections for youth please contact Mariah Breeze, Youth Initiatives Project Manager.