Take Action to End Homelessness Across the Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care
Give Back to the Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care
The Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care is dedicated to ending homelessness through community collaborations, data-driven strategies, and best-practice housing interventions.
The IA BoS CoC is currently focusing fundraising efforts toward our Youth Action Board (YAB). The Youth Action Board empowers youth voices to implement and lead initiatives focused on preventing and ending youth homelessness.
Donations will compensate youth to attend meetings and make it possible to participate in leadership and team-building activities. To donate, please click the button below. If you would like to donate by check, add a memo note for IA BoS CoC and mail to:
Institute for Community Alliances
1111 9th Street, Suite 380
Des Moines, IA 50314
Check out different Volunteer Opportunities
Advocate - Use your voice to make a difference. You can advocate in many ways including:
Learning about national and local ways to advocate
Accessing, reviewing, and discussing data
Connecting with your local officials
Learning about lobbying, and
Participating in the Iowa Day on the Hill.
Board of Directors - Become an advocate by becoming a Board member. Recruitment is done annually to fill open Board seats. Review the responsibilities and apply if you are interested!
Point in Time Count - Volunteer to help locate and share resources with people that are experiencing unsheltered homelessness. This opportunity allows you to work with local providers and create a specific connection to resources for people experiencing homelessness.
Grant Reviewer- Become a grant reviewer and assist with the local competition process and allocation of CoC funding. Access the job description and other forms to learn more.
Task Groups - Make change by dedicating your expertise to one of the Task Groups, use the links below to learn more about each group and then complete a voter agreement form to join.
Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Group - Focused on creating the competition process and supporting providers are doing across the CoC.
CoC Impact Task Group - Focused on the implementation of best practices and ensuring quality delivery of services across all the CoC work.
Data/HMIS Task Group- responsible for reviewing CoC data and initiating strategies to make progress towards ending homelessness.
Strategic Planning Task Group - Focused on creating connections with systems of care to create the best homeless response system possible.
Youth Action Board (YAB) - Focused on empowering youth voices to prevent and end youth homelessness.
Contact CoC staff for any other questions or to get involved today.