Competition Resources
Promoting community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness.
Table of Contents
HUD Updates • HUD FAQ & Resources • Volunteer Grant Reviewers
HUD Updates
The Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care strives to keep updates available as they are received, please see below for current updates from HUD:
HUD announced that they have created two different listservs to distribute information about the following information:
• Continuum of Care (CoC) Program;
• Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;
• Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP);
• Other Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) developed by SNAPS; and
• Any other information related to SNAPS programs and the work to end homelessness.
If you have signed up for notices from the HUD Exchange in the past, information that you would have received on the above topics will no longer be sent through those channels. Instead, you must sign up for the new listservs to get this information. This change is in part to separate the work of HUD Technical Assistance (TA) providers on the HUD Exchange from notices from SNAPS staff directly.
The CoC will continue to distribute relevant information to our mailing list. However, if you would like to receive the emails directly, please sign up at the links below.
Please sign up for the listservs as soon as you can so you do not miss important information regarding the CoC Program Competition, including GIW release, and other information related to SNAPS programs.
To subscribe to the SNAPS Competitions listserv please click on the link:
To subscribe to the SNAPS Program Information listserv please click on the link:
HUD FAQ & Resources
Stay up to date by using these links for HUD CoC FAQ:
HUD CoC Dashboard- Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Assistance Programs Dashboard Reports show claimed geography and geographic coverage changes for the previous two program years and also include information on each CoC’s awards by award amount, program type, and renewal type. The reports contain summary data from the Point-in-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC), which provide a quick overview of a CoC’s performance in serving homeless individuals with their CoC awards.
E-Snaps- Electronic CoC grants management system. Project applicants will be notified by CoC staff when they need to utilize this system.
Click here for more resources on e-snaps.
SAGE- Reporting repository for HUD reporting where projects will complete their Annual Performance Reports (APR).
CoC-funded projects are required to submit an APR every operating year. Click here for more resources on SAGE.
Volunteer Grant Reviewers
Volunteers are utilized each year to participate in the scoring and review of the HUD CoC Competition grant applications.