Section 1- Task Groups
CoC Task Groups are either permanent or ad hoc task groups to coordinate oversight of discrete activities and provide recommendations to the CoC Board for approval.
The CoC Board has the authority to create CoC Task Groups based on CoC need and by a majority vote. Task Group responsibilities and subject matter are assigned to each Task Group by the CoC Board per a written assignment of responsibilities.
Standing Task Groups of the CoC recruiting members are:
CoC Grant Competition
Coordinated Services Regions
CoC Impact
Strategic Planning
Youth Action Board
Task Group Voting Members commit to:
Attendance at Monthly Task Group Meetings.
Participation in Task Group work, including responsibilities set in an annual work plan for the group.
Serving as a representative of the Task Group.
Section 2- CoC Grant Competition Task Group
Purpose Statement: The Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Group leads an annual local competition for HUD CoC funding and develops the project monitoring process, including technical assistance, all focused on strengthening the homeless service system to prevent and end homelessness.
The Continuum of Care Competition Task Group is responsible for overseeing and continuously developing the project monitoring process and the development of the annual HUD CoC Program local application and scorecards. They will also develop the project application evaluation process that is used to evaluate, score, and rank CoC projects (renewal and new as directed by the Board of Directors). The group also facilitates funding recommendations for projects included in the annual CoC consolidated application.
If you are interested in joining the Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Group please read and complete the Voter Agreement Form. If you have additional questions, please connect with Jessica Bleile.
Section 3- Coordinated Service Regions Task Group
Purpose Statement: The Coordinated Service Regions Task Group leads the implementation of Coordinated Entry and required training to ensure consistency of services across the Coordinated Entry regions for the Balance of State to end and prevent homelessness.
The IA BoS CoC Coordinated Service Regions group is responsible for evaluating, updating, and recommending training for the IA BoS CoC Coordinated Entry Policy and the Local Planning Body procedures.
If you are interested in joining the Coordinated Service Regions Task Group, please connect with Cassandra Kramer.
Section 4- CoC Impact Task Group
Focused on the implementation of best practices and ensuring quality delivery of services across all the CoC work.
If you are interested in joining the CoC Impact Task Group please read and complete the Voter Agreement Form. If you have additional questions, please connect with Jess Bleile.
Section 5- Data/HMIS Task Group
Purpose Statement: The Data Task Group reviews project and CoC data and works collaboratively with other CoC task groups to ensure that progress is being made to prevent and end homelessness in the BoS.
The Data/HMIS Task Group is responsible for reviewing CoC data and initiating strategies to make progress towards ending homelessness. Specific responsibilities include:
Reviewing, discussing, and creating strategies focused on the CoC System Performance Measures (SPMs).
Review, discussing, and revising performance metrics for the local CoC Competition process.
Reviewing federal reports to analyze strategies for improving outcomes across the CoC.
If you are interested in joining the Data/HMIS Task Group please read and complete the Voter Agreement Form. If you have additional questions, please connect with Rachel Falahpour.
Section 6- Strategic Planning Task Group
Purpose Statement: The Strategic Planning Task Group leads the board's strategic initiatives to end homelessness.
The Strategic Planning group assists the board with its responsibilities for the mission, vision, and strategic direction. Specific responsibilities of the Strategic Planning group include:
Making recommendations to the full board related to the mission, vision, strategic initiatives, major programs, and services.
Help identify critical strategic issues facing the board. Assisting in the analysis of alternative strategic options.
Ensuring board has established an effective strategic planning process, including the development of a three to five-year strategic plan with measurable goals and time targets.
Understanding homelessness. Keeping up-to-date on HUD rules and guidelines local data and trends, BoS needs, and other opportunities to improve the scope, cost-effectiveness, and quality of services provided.
Periodically reviewing the mission, vision, and strategic plan, and recommending changes to the board.
Annually reviewing the strategic plan and recommending updates as needed based on changes in the community needs, and other factors.
Reviewing new programs and services.
Monitoring the board’s performance against measurable targets or progress points.
If you are interested in joining the Strategic Planning Task Group please read and complete the Voter Agreement Form. If you have additional questions, please connect with Jessica Bleile.
Section 7- Youth Action Board (YAB) Task Group
Mission: End youth homelessness by involving youth voices and input.
Purpose Statement: The Youth Action Board empowers youth voices to implement and lead initiatives focused on preventing and ending youth homelessness.
The BoS Youth Action Board is focused on its mission of ending youth homelessness involving youth voices and input. This is done at both the local community level and the CoC level. The YAB will implement youth voices into decision-making by engaging with and empowering youth across the BoS.
The Youth Action Board is a diverse group of young people between the ages of 14-24 years old, who have experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness or have a passion to fight youth homelessness; this includes but is not limited to LGBTQ youth, pregnant or parenting youth, youth involved in the juvenile justice system, victims of sex trafficking and exploitation, and those who have been in foster care. The ultimate goal is to prevent and end youth homelessness.
Anyone age 14-24 who has experienced or is experiencing homelessness is invited to join. We also encourage members that are 14-24 years old that have a passion to fight youth homelessness.
The IA BoS CoC is looking to recruit new members. As a YAB member, you will be working with a diverse group of peers to advise local organizations, shape community programs, and collaborate to prevent and end youth homelessness.
The YAB meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 5-6 pm. Anyone is able to attend these meetings. For more information, we encourage you to fill out an interest form and attend a couple of meetings to learn about the YAB.
YAB members may include anyone who is:
Between 14-24 years old.
Experienced in navigating homelessness or has lived experience.
Passionate about preventing and ending youth homelessness.
Connected to the Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care (lives within the IA BoS CoC 96-County Area).
Willing to commit to attending YAB meetings.
Willing to learn and take on additional responsibilities such as facilitating meetings participating in community coalitions, and attending workgroups.
Committed to equity and creating a safe environment for all involved.
The YAB is committed to ensuring diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences are represented. We would like to expand the representation and diversity of the YAB and strongly encourage people of color, people of diverse gender identities, young parents, people with different abilities, youth with lived experience of homelessness, and all who are interested to fill out the interest form or connect with CoC staff.
Click Here to access the interest form. Questions? Reach out to Jason Smith, Youth Leadership Project Manager.