Section 1: New Project- Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus

New DV Bonus projects can include Rapid Rehousing (RRH), and Joint Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing (Joint TH-RRH).

The overall score DV Bonus projects can receive is 210 points.

The rubric lays out the application sections, questions, possible points, scoring considerations, and the source documentation of the application information. Please note, the volunteer grant reviewers utilize the scoring rubric in reviewing and scoring submitted applications.

Application Sections: The DV Bonus application includes the following sections and topics:

  • Applicant Name and Information

    • Organization Information

    • Proposed Start and End Date

    • New Project Information and Type

    • New Project Requested Amount

    • Coordinated Entry Region and Counties

    • Expansion Request Information

  • Threshold Assurances

    • Low Barrier Project Information

  • Housing First

  • Leveraging Resources

  • CoC Participation

    • Coordinated Entry

    • CoC Participation

    • Point in Time

    • Equity and Diversity

  • Project Management

    • Scope of Project

    • Agency Experience

    • Fund Utilization

    • Monitoring/Performance Improvement Plan

    • Organization/Management Structure

    • Audits/Financial Staffing

    • Coordination and Integration of Mainstream Resources

    • Supportive Services

  • Proposed Project Performance Measures

  • Budget

  • DV Bonus Supplemental

    • Unmet Need/Justification (will note if applying for an expansion)

    • Experience in

      • Housing Placement and Retention

      • Providing Housing to DV Survivors

      • Ensuring DV Survivor Safety

      • Evaluating Ability to Ensure DV Survivor Safety

      • Trauma-Informed, Victim-Centered Approaches

      • Meeting Service Needs of DV Survivors

    • Plan for

      • Trauma-Informed, Victim Centered Approaches

      • Involving Survivors in Policy and Program Development